One way to earn some extra money online is to write articles on ehow. They have a somewhat new writer compensation program. Here's how it works:
1. Sign up for an ehow account
2. Write How To articles about what you know
3. Sign up for the compensation program (requires a paypal account for payments)
4. Ads are placed on your articles based on keywords
5. You are paid based on the number of times people click on these ads
I signed up on ehow about a week ago. I've written 4 articles total, and only one of them is actually making me money. I read a few of the articles that other ehow members wrote explaining how to make money on ehow, and found that it is pretty much a numbers game.
The more articles that you have and the more people that view them, the more likely someone will click on the ads on your article. will definitely want to promote your article in any way you can like submitting it to digg, stumble upon, etc. I'm going to add more articles and update on Ehow later.
For examples, Here are links to some of my articles:
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